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Plan Write® for Hi_Tech Marketing


Plan Write for Hi-Tech Marketing is based on the same technology as Plan Write for Business. The following reviews reflect Plan Write for Business. As Plan Write for Hi-Tech Marketing is reviewed by top publications, those reviews will be made available.

Plan Write for Business has been reviewed by numerous business and computer publications. Consistently, it ranks at the top as demonstrated by the following statements:

Plan Write is our top choice.

CPA Software News
Plan Write's approach to the plan narrative is the best of any software reviewed.

Home Office Computing
Plan Write is the best product for guiding you through the stormy waters of creating a business plan.
Plan Write stands apart from the rest.

Black Enterprise
This software is ideal for any commercial enterprise.

Win95 Magazine
Plan Write was the easiest to use and the most comprehensive package that we reviewed.

PC Magazine
Plan Write can be a valuable resource to anyone unfamiliar with business plan terminology and creation.

Information Week
Plan Write for Business 5.0, can help startups get the attention of venture-capital firms.

Computer Shopper
By the time you've gone through the entire outline, you have a polished plan.

Marketing Plan Software
Marketing Plan Software
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